E.P.S Cleaning Service​

"Quality Always Comes First With Us"

Serving MD, DC, VA, DE, Southern PA, Las Vegas & Raleigh, NC
Contact Us at 301-358-1875, 301-672-2823 or 703-731-2921

Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning can be a major headache for most customers. Here at E.P.S Cleaning Service we take pride in providing quality that`s affordable for most. We have plenty of chemicals that can handle some of the worse carpet situations - pet odor, urine, juice stains and foot traffic. So before trashing your carpet please call to see if there's anything we might be able do for your carpet situation.
Residential Carpet Cleaning
$200.00 House Special -up to 6 rooms/area`s
Additional rooms are charged at $35.00 per room extra
Pet treatment and P.C.S bleach scrubbing are additional.
Area`s that are consider as one room -bedroom , living room , dining room , one set of stairs , one hallway area
Area`s that are consider as two rooms or more - basement area , multiple sets of stairs , master bedroom , multiple hallways
Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Step 1 Carpet cleaning -.45 cent per sq. feet.
Highly effective for customers who normally have their carpet cleaned at least twice per year.
Step 2 Carpet cleaning and P.C.S bleach .65 cent per sq. feet
Step 3 Carpet cleaning, P.C.S and E.P.S carpet stain removal - $.90 cent per sq. feet eliminates or reduce gum, oil, paint, and wax!
Floor Waxing
Level 1 Floor Waxing 60 cent per sq. feet- Works best for customers who normally have their floors striped and waxed at least twice per year.
Level 2 Floor waxing and base board edges 0.87 cent per sq. feet- Extremely effective for clients who normally have their floors striped and waxed once every 12 to 18 month.
Level 3 Floor waxing- Base board edges and E.P.S floor P.C.S Bleach Agent - 1.25 per sq. feet. P.C.S Bleach agent is extremely effective against dirt build and old wax that hasn`t been removed on a yearly basis.
Wood Floor Cleaning
Level 1 Wood floor cleaning - 0.55 cent for cleaning and applying a light coat of polish.
Level 2 Wood floor cleaning - $2 to $3 per sq. feet stripping,sanding, and waxing.
Marble Floor Cleaning
Please call regarding pricing
Grout Cleaning
Level 1 Grout cleaning - 0.55 per sq. feet - cleaning and light scrubbing.
Level 2 Grout cleaning -$1.25 per sq. feet - cleaning and heavy duty scrubbing
Garage Floor Cleaning
In most cases, charges are normally around $150.00 to $1500.00 at the most. However depending on the situation pricing could be slightly higher.
If there`s any services that we haven`t mentioned please contact us!